A Handbook of Alternative Monetary Economics

Edited by Philip Arestis, University Director of Research, Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge and Fellow, Wolfson College, UK and Malcolm Sawyer, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Leeds, UK

Publication Date: 2007 ISBN: 978 1 84376 915 6 Extent: 544 pp

This major Handbook consists of 29 contributions that explore the full range of exciting and interesting work on money and finance currently taking place within heterodox economics.

There are many themes and facets of alternative monetary and financial economics but two major ones can be identified.

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This major Handbook consists of 29 contributions that explore the full range of exciting and interesting work on money and finance currently taking place within heterodox economics.

There are many themes and facets of alternative monetary and financial economics but two major ones can be identified. The first concerns the nature of money: money is credit created through the financial system in the process of loan creation. The second theme is that money is endogenous and not exogenous. Contributions to the Handbook cover the origins and nature of money, detailed analyses of endogenous money, surveys of empirical work on endogenous money and the nature of monetary policy when money is endogenous. The second theme focuses on the financial system, and the perception that it is generally subject to volatility, instability and crisis. This Handbook will undoubtedly serve as the ultimate guide to the full spectrum of alternative monetary economics.

Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer have performed an invaluable task in compiling a comprehensive Handbook, written by leading specialists, that will be required reading by upper level undergraduate and postgraduate students studying money, finance and macroeconomics as well as heterodox and monetary economists more generally.

Critical Acclaim

‘This Handbook covers a wide variety of issues of money and finance from a heterodox perspective and it proves that very convincing work is going on beyond mainstream economics. . . Arestis and Sawyer have done a marvellous job bringing together all these contributions, and I can highly recommend this Handbook to students and researchers in the area of money, finance and macroeconomics.’
– Eckhard Hein, Intervention

‘This book is an important contribution to monetary theory. . . The spectrum of varying interpretations offered in this book is much wider than that found in all of mainstream monetary theory. Most of the 29 contributions in this work represent a substantial change to conventional monetary theory. . . the material is very valuable. Highly recommended. Comprehensive upper-division collections and all graduate research collections.’
– M. Perelman, Choice


Contributors: P. Arestis, S. Basu, J. Bibow, P. Davidson, E. De Antoni, S. de Brunhoff, S.C. Dow, G.A. Dymski, K.A. Erturk, D.K. Foley, G. Fontana, J. Forder, C. Gnos, I. Grabel, G. Hannsgen, M. Hayes, G. Heinsohn, P. Howells, D. Isenberg, M. Knittel, M. Lavoie, T.I. Palley, R. Realfonzo, S. Rossi, R.J. Rotheim, M. Sawyer, J. Smithin, S. Sobczak, P. Spahn, O. Steiger, P.R. Tcherneva, É. Tymoigne, M. Vernengo, L.R. Wray

1. Money: An Alternative Story
Éric Tymoigne and L. Randall Wray

2. Endogenous Money: Accommodationist
Marc Lavoie

3. Endogenous Money: Structuralist
Sheila C. Dow

4. The Endogeneity of Money: Empirical Evidence
Peter Howells

5. Chartalism and the Tax-Driven Approach to Money
Pavlina R. Tcherneva

6. French Circuit Theory
Claude Gnos

7. The Italian Circuitist Approach
Riccardo Realfonzo

8. The Theory of Money Emissions
Sergio Rossi

9. Keynes and Money
Paul Davidson

10. Minsky on Financial Instability
Elizabetta De Antoni

11. Kalecki on Money and Finance
Malcolm Sawyer

12. Karl Marx’s Theory of Money and Credit
Suzanne de Brunhoff and Duncan K. Foley

13. The Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy: A Critical Review
Greg Hannsgen

14. Monetary Policy
James Forder

15. Monetary Policy in an Endogenous Money Economy
Thomas I. Palley

16. Central Bank and Lender of Last Resort
Michael Knittel, Sybille Sobczak and Peter Spahn

17. The Theory of Interest Rates
John Smithin

18. The Role of Banks in the Context of Economic Development with Reference to South Korea and India
Santonu Basu

19. Credit Rationing
Roy J. Rotheim

20. Liquidity Preference Theory
Jörg Bibow

21. Financial Liberalization and the Relationship Between Finance and Growth
Philip Arestis

22. Deregulation
Dorene Isenberg

23. Banking and Financial Crises
Gary A. Dymski

24. A Post-Keynesian Analysis Financial Crisis in the Developing World and Directions for Reform
Ilene Grabel

25. Financial Bubbles
Mark Hayes

26. Keynesian Uncertainty and Money
Giuseppe Fontana

27. Speculation, Liquidity Preference and Monetary Circulation
Korkut A. Erturk

28. Money and Inflation
Mathías Vernengo

29. Interest and Money: The Property Explanation
Gunnar Heinsohn and Otto Steiger