Fi f th Wheels

The JSK37U series is JOST’s flagship line of cast ductile iron fifth wheels that is a standard specification option at every OEM. This series features the original locking mechanism that all other JOST fifth wheels are based on and sets the industry standard for fifth-wheel construction and functionality. Designed with safety and operator efficiency in mind, the features included in the JSK37U line are included in all other JOST fifth wheel products.




Key Features & Benefits

Fifth Wheel Feature

Replaceable Cushion Ring

A replaceable cushion ring reduces the lifetime cost of ownership. JOST parts across product lines ensure affordable, consistent product availability.

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JOST Locking Mechanism

JOST’s signature 3-point locking system features three locks with just four moving parts to ensure ultimate safety & simplicity.

Anti-High Coupling Lugs

Anti-High Coupling Lugs

Innovative anti-high coupling lugs prevent drivers from high coupling by either guiding the kingpin into the jaws or pushing it up and over. This allows for a clear indication when the fifth wheel is properly coupled.